Home Pets


a2zpetsinfo.com is dedicated to offering exclusive advice on everything about pets – from choosing the right pet, to its care, health and accessories as well. We help you make informed choices that not only saves time, but also gives valuable insights into various possibilities when dealing with a pet. We cover a wide range of topics on the common types of pets adopted – dogs, cats, birds and fish. Health tips, accessories and supplies are some of the frequently searched topics among pet owners. We try and include the latest information on all such topics and more. Regular features keep the reader up-to-date with the most trending information bits about pets. We encourage frequent visitors to keep us looped in on any topics that they might want us to address.


Top 10 Birds to Own

There are huge numbers of people who like to have birds as their pets. This list of top 10 birds to own will surely...

10 Different Types of Pet Birds for Children

Choosing the best pet that is perfectly suitable for your sweet home is not a small thing. If you have children in your home,...
good pet birds for teenagers

What Are Some of the Good Pet Birds for Teenagers?

Teenagers can be very demanding, aggressive, and angry and feel lonely at times which would trigger off anger. In this situation, may be you...
List of Turkey Breeds

List of Turkey Breeds

Turkeys are unique birds that can be your best friend, help you earn some cash by becoming your business, become a lip smacking thanksgiving...

Cat Breeds: Top Hypoallergenic Options for Allergy Sufferers

Scientifically there are no hypoallergenic cat breeds, but there are few breeds that are less allergenic. Whether the cat is less allergenic or not...
Different Breeds of Pheasants Found Around the World

Different Breeds of Pheasants Found Around the World

An aviary would be given a complete look by the addition of pheasants that are considered to be hardy birds. Pheasants are liked by...

Get Informed About the Cutest Dogs in the World

There are various types of dog breeds in the world. All of them are different in respect of their physical appearance. There are many...
Rabbits in Australia

Fast Facts about Rabbits in Australia

Explore some intriguing facts about rabbits in Australia in this blog. Here are some interesting facts about rabbits in Australia Rabbits are not native of Australia....
signs if your cat is dying of thyroid

Signs If Your Cat is Dying of Thyroid Disease

Worried about signs if your cat is dying of thyroid? Thyroid disease in cats which is common today, was not known to cause any...
Dog Breeds

Top 6 Dog Breeds You Can Keep in a Small House

Are you an animal lover, and you want a companion, but you are considering if the environment will be suitable for your friend because...
Top 10 Best Birds for Kids

Top 10 Best Birds for Kids to Gift Your Children

Children love birds and enjoy a good time with birds. If you miss your holiday for some reasons do not worry about your children...
Dog Breeds Good with Children

Some Dog Breeds That Are Good With Children

Here is list of dog breeds good with children. They are the best to consider if you are planning to get a dog this...
How Do Dogs Help People with Disabilities

How Do Dogs Help People with Disabilities?

In this computer age, we shouldn't overlook the superior brains of both humans and our pets like dogs. Why dogs and why not other...
10 Must-have Dog Accessories

10 Must-have Dog Accessories

If you are a dog owner or even if you are planning to get one in near future, have a look at these 10...
Tips for Living with a Blind Dog

Tips for Living with a Blind Dog

It is quite challenging to live with dogs that are blind but at the same time, the experience can also serve to be rewarding...
Know About the Top 10 Horse Breeds

Know About the Top 10 Horse Breeds

There are many horse breeds across the world but you need to have a list of top 10 horse breeds to know which one...
Top 10 Fish Breeds That Kids Like

Top 10 Kinds Of Fishes For Kids

Fish can make as much lovable a pet as cats, dogs, and rabbits. Though there are adults who love to have fish as pet,...
Adding the Jackpot City Birdhouse for your Garden Friends

Adding the Jackpot City Birdhouse for your Garden Friends

The Jackpot City Birdhouse is a great birdhouse for your home and it will provide an excellent nesting box for one of many species...
11 Amazing Hero Pets of All Times

11 Amazing Hero Pets of All Times

It is very wrong to consider pets as mere cuddly companions because there have been pets that have done certain great jobs and have...
Symptoms and treatment of kidney disease in cats

How and why of kidney disease in cats

Cats, particularly the older ones are susceptible to kidney diseases. About 30% of the aged domestic cats suffer from kidney diseases – either acute or chronic. ...

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