Home Pets Cats


Cats are the second-best choice for pets in most households. From the friendly-neighborhood cat to the exotic ones, pet owners have multiple options to choose from. We define cat breeds and their characteristics like no one else. Vaccinations, general care tips and health conditions are some of the popular topics that we focus on. We also give information on best cat food, grooming essentials and toys and accessories too. In the health section we focus on initial symptoms to watch out for and immediate treatment options to go with. We also have a special feature on furniture tips for cats to make their nights as wonderful as their day.

Know How to Choose the Right Cat Furniture

Know How to Choose the Right Cat Furniture

A lot of people are talking about cat furniture these days, but before you buy one, it is important that you know what exactly...
Symptoms and treatment of kidney disease in cats

How and why of kidney disease in cats

Cats, particularly the older ones are susceptible to kidney diseases. About 30% of the aged domestic cats suffer from kidney diseases – either acute or chronic. ...
List Of The Most Affectionate Cat Breeds

List Of The Most Affectionate Cat Breeds

It is a general misconception that cats are cold, aloof and much less affectionate as compared to dogs. Dogs usually steal the spotlight in...
Top 5 remedies to tackle cat colds

Best Natural Remedies for Cat Colds

Cats do suffer from colds, just as we humans do. Cat colds are usually caused by feline-specific microbes, the symptoms of which are pretty much the...
Cat Health

Cat Health Problems: Common Symptoms and Solutions

One of the most important aspects of pet care, to be known to all possible diseases and their symptoms, which can affect your beloved...
Kidney Disease in Cats

Top 10 Most Noticeable Symptoms of Kidney Disease in Cats

Cat kidney failure is also called as chronic renal failure that affects most of the middle to old aged cats. According to the reports,...
Cats Skin Diseases

Cats Skin Diseases That Need Special Attention

If your cat is doing constant scratching and licking, then it may be an indication of cats skin diseases. Cats are susceptible to skin...
Australian Mist Cat

Know about the Wonderful Features of Australian Mist Cat

Australian Mist Cat is a relatively new cat breed. It is a combination of three cat breeds, such as Burmese, Abyssinian and Domestic Short...
Different Ways to tell if Your Cat is Sick

Different Ways to tell if Your Cat is Sick

Caring for the health of a cat is very important because cats are very delicate and petite pets. People always have a strong affection...
How Do Cats Show Affection to Humans?

How do Cats Show their Affection to Humans

Cats have their own way of showing their affection to you. Certain cat breeds are known for their affectionate behaviour towards their owners. Be...
How Can Cats Reduce Stress and Improve Moods

How can Cats Reduce Stress and Improve Mood

Soft, furry cats are not just warm to touch, but also induce warm feelings in humans. Having a pet cat not only keeps you...
Cat Breeds with Long Lifespan

Cat Breeds with Long Lifespan

People who choose cats as pets typically care about their lifespan and, as a result, actively seek information about cat breeds with long lifespans....
Food for Diabetic Cats

Food for Diabetic Cats

When a diabetic pet cat cannot regulate the blood glucose levels, proper care and treatment can give the cat a lengthy and comfortable life....
Personalized Cat Bowls

Where to Come Across Personalized Cat Bowl

Do you have a cat at home? Then you need to fuss over it quite a bit. Cats are comfort loving creatures, and are...
Himalayan cat grooming tips

Himalayan cat grooming tips

The Himalayan cat is a result of cross breeding Siamese and Persian cats. They are very loving and are well known for their calm...
Cat Care Tips

Take Care of Your Cat with These Cat Care Tips

The most common among the pets preferred by people are cats and dogs. Cats are as lovable pets as the dogs. Having a pet...
What are the Side Effects of Cat Flu Vaccine

What are the Side Effects of Cat Flu Vaccine?

Vaccinations are not only the thing of humans but also considered to your pets!! Yes, pets must be vaccinated in order to reduce the...
Cat Illness Symptoms

Cat Illness Symptoms: 8 Noticable Indicators

Many cat owners don’t know about their pet’s healthcare. Keeping your lovely cat healthy can only be possible when you are totally informed about...
Birman Cat

Birman Cat

Birman cat is a long haired with medium to heavy body weight. Quick facts Cat type: Crossbreed originated in Burma Weight: Around 8-12 pounds Height:Available in medium to...
Pet Furniture for Cats

Pamper Your Cat with the Best Pet Furniture for Cats

Here's info about cat furniture for cat owners and those who might not know about it. Caring for a cat is easier than other pets....

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