Home Pets Cats


Cats are the second-best choice for pets in most households. From the friendly-neighborhood cat to the exotic ones, pet owners have multiple options to choose from. We define cat breeds and their characteristics like no one else. Vaccinations, general care tips and health conditions are some of the popular topics that we focus on. We also give information on best cat food, grooming essentials and toys and accessories too. In the health section we focus on initial symptoms to watch out for and immediate treatment options to go with. We also have a special feature on furniture tips for cats to make their nights as wonderful as their day.

Tips for New Cat Adopters

Adopt A Pet: Important Tips For New Pet Owners

People love to adopt a pet, especially a cat, for themselves. They love them and feel some comfort with their loved pets. People love...
Kidney Disease in Cats

Top 10 Most Noticeable Symptoms of Kidney Disease in Cats

Cat kidney failure is also called as chronic renal failure that affects most of the middle to old aged cats. According to the reports,...
Outdoor Cat Shelter Ideas

DIY Outdoor Cat Shelter Ideas for Multiple Cats

Cat shelters help street cats feel safe and warm in the outdoors. Most cat lovers go the extra mile of building an outdoor cat...
signs if your cat is dying of thyroid

Signs If Your Cat is Dying of Thyroid Disease

Worried about signs if your cat is dying of thyroid? Thyroid disease in cats which is common today, was not known to cause any...
Cat Health

Cat Health Problems: Common Symptoms and Solutions

One of the most important aspects of pet care, to be known to all possible diseases and their symptoms, which can affect your beloved...
Cat Food and Nutrition Facts

Different Cat Food and Nutrition Facts for Different Age Cats

The cats are one of the social animals which can be taken care as pets. People love cats as they are cute and are...
cat's litter box in the house

Best Spots for your Cat’s Litter Box in the House

When you own a pet cat, one of the key questions that arises is, Where should I keep my cat's litter box in the...
Common Cat Behavior Problems

Common Cat Behavior Problems

Although we all love cats there are some common cat behavior problems that the majority of the pet owners have to face. Sometimes these can be...
Abyssinian Cat

Abyssinian Cat

It is one of the oldest breeds of cat and it resembles an ancient Egyptian cat. Quick facts Cat type: Crossbreed, Natural and Egyptian cat Weight: weighs...
Best Food for Cats

Best Food for Cats to Ensure a Healthy Life

The most important decision that you will make for your cat is choosing best food for cats. Choosing the quality and best food for...
cat tooth resorption

Treatment Options for Tooth Resorption in Cats

wondering how to treat cat tooth resorption? Tooth resorption is a dental condition seen in cats, in which a tooth or multiple teeth begin...
Cat Breeds with Long Lifespan

Cat Breeds with Long Lifespan

People who choose cats as pets typically care about their lifespan and, as a result, actively seek information about cat breeds with long lifespans....
Cat Maine Coon

Care for Your Cat Maine Coon

Maine Coon cats are very popular, perfect for you and your children. They are friendly little guys who benefit from the attention of people. They...
What are the Side Effects of Cat Flu Vaccine

What are the Side Effects of Cat Flu Vaccine?

Vaccinations are not only the thing of humans but also considered to your pets!! Yes, pets must be vaccinated in order to reduce the...
Home Remedies For Treating Ringworm In Cats

5 Most Effective Home Remedies To Cure Ringworm In Cats

Cats are susceptible to ringworm, a fungal infection that affects their skin and hair. It can be treated with over-the-counter medications, but some home...
Cat Flu Symptoms

Know about the Various Cat Flu Symptoms

Cat flu is an infection to feline respiratory system caused by several organisms. Cats that haven't received vaccinations often show cat flu symptoms. If...
Different Ways to tell if Your Cat is Sick

Different Ways to tell if Your Cat is Sick

Caring for the health of a cat is very important because cats are very delicate and petite pets. People always have a strong affection...
hyperthyroidism in cats

Signs of Hyperthyroidism in Cats

Hyperthyroidism is a condition that occurs when there is an increased production of the thyroid hormone in cats. The thyroid hormone (T3 and T4)...
How Do Cats Show Affection to Humans?

How do Cats Show their Affection to Humans

Cats have their own way of showing their affection to you. Certain cat breeds are known for their affectionate behaviour towards their owners. Be...
what is the best food to feed your cat

What Is The Best Food To Feed Your Cat? Complete Guide

Meat is the best source of nutrients for cats, because the felines are basically carnivores and need maximum nourishment from non-vegetarian foods for their...

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