Home Other Pets

Other Pets

Dogs, cats, fish and birds are the popular pet choices for most pet owners. However, there are other pets that some of us like to keep. Small animals such as turtles, gerbils and hamsters are a few examples of other common but less popular pets. This page focusses on providing information on the breeds, diet and health of all those pets. Farm owners are known to own a variety of pets other than dogs and cats. Rabbits, horses, cows and pigs are some of the domestic farm animals that also double up as pets. And then there are those that are purely for company, like turtles, tortoises, ferrets, iguanas and so on. Take your pick and have fun adding a rare pet to your home.

List of Turkey Breeds

List of Turkey Breeds

Turkeys are unique birds that can be your best friend, help you earn some cash by becoming your business, become a lip smacking thanksgiving...
Popular List of Goat Breeds

Popular List of Goat Breeds

dairy goats, meat goats and for other purposes. These animals can breed faster and can multiply in no time. Goat’s milk is highly nutritious...
A List of 10 Most Dangerous Underwater Creatures

A List of 10 Most Dangerous Underwater Creatures

Dive into the deep with caution as we reveal the most dangerous underwater creatures that can harm unaware divers. Dangerous Underwater Creatures There are several most...
Top 16 Strangest Animal Mating Rituals

Top 16 Strangest Animal Mating Rituals

In the animal world, sexual conduct is mainly related to the production of species. During some situations, certain species exhibit strange behavior while mating....
guinea pig cage

Guinea Pig Cage: A Guide to Choosing the Right One for Your Pets

Guinea pig cage should ideally have a plastic tray at the bottom and sides for easy cleaning and bedding changes. Avoid wooden cages as they...
Best Snakes for Pets

Top Ten Best Snakes for Pets

Pet lovers commonly prefer domesticated pets like Dogs, Cats, white mice, birds like lovebirds, parrots, pigeons, etc., fish and rabbits. Some pet lovers however...
how to take care of a pet turtle

How To Take Care Of A Pet Turtle: What You Need To Know?

Although they are not as cuddly as other pets, Turtles can make great pets. Since they have a long lifespan, you need to consider...
Cross River Gorilla Interesting Facts

Cross River Gorilla: Interesting Facts

Cross river gorilla is the largest one among primates like humans. It can weigh up to 600 pounds. Gorillas are classified into two types...
how to cut guinea pig nails

How to Cut Guinea Pig Nails: The Definitive Guide

Like human beings, guinea pigs have ever-expanding fingernails. In the wild, their toenails wear down naturally, but farmed animals don't have the same chance....
Insect Control in Horses

Insect Control in Horses

Insect control in horses in quite necessary because insects can be very irritating and at the same time they can also cause a threat...
16 Animals with Longest Lifespan

Longest Lifespan Animals

The average lifespan of a human being is 78.5 years. But when it comes to animals, some may live more than hundreds of years....
care for snails in a fish tank

How To Care For Snails In A Fish Tank?

Snails are a lovely addition to your fish tank. Watching these little scavengers keep the aquarium super clean by eating algae, dead plants, extra...
Asian Elephant Facts

Asian Elephant Facts

Asian elephants are large or huge gray and herbivorous terrestrial animals inhabiting in India, Asian tropical forests and south East Asia. Though elephants are...
Guinea pigs

Exotic Pets That Can Be Considered For Kids

Exotic pets are a popular choice to consider. Before you decide to get an exotic pet for your kid, you need to choose a...
Goat as a Pet

Goat as a Pet: That’s A Bit of a Challenge?

For animal lovers, the idea of goats as pets is not so unusual. In recent years, many people believe that the mini-goats are as...
Facts About Wild Animals

Facts About Wild Animals

We are all aware that animals are of two types: domestic and wild. Domestic animals can be kept in household and the wild animals...
Horse Disease Symptoms

Most Common Horse Disease Symptoms that you should look for

Similar to other animals, horses are also prone to diseases and infections. But, most of these can be preventable with proper vaccinations. So, it...
Dangerous Respiratory Diseases in birds

Top Dangerous Respiratory Diseases in birds

Birds are susceptible to numerous respiratory infections. Some of the respiratory infections are mild but some serious conditions may cause even deaths. Respiratory and...

10 Different Types of Pet Birds for Children

Choosing the best pet that is perfectly suitable for your sweet home is not a small thing. If you have children in your home,...
Rabbits in Australia

Fast Facts about Rabbits in Australia

Explore some intriguing facts about rabbits in Australia in this blog. Here are some interesting facts about rabbits in Australia Rabbits are not native of Australia....

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