Facts About Wild Animals


We are all aware that animals are of two types: domestic and wild. Domestic animals can be kept in household and the wild animals belong to their own natural habitat. Wild animals have provoked a lot of interest among the people of all ages, particularly children who are told interesting stories regarding the forest animals. Below are some facts about wild animals that are very surprising to hear.

Interesting Facts about Wild Animals

Facts About Wild Animals

  • Hippos are the third largest animals followed by elephants and white rhinos. The name hippopotamus came from the Greek word Hippos, which means horse. But hippos mostly look like pigs.
  • Giraffes can feed their babies up to 16 hours a day and they eat up to 60kg leaves a day. They can run at 55kph speed.
  • Why tortoise is not more often trampled to death is because they ooze a scent like hunting lions.
  • Ostrich has such ravenous appetite that it has been known to swallow nails, coins, horseshoes and various other metal things.
  • King cobra is the largest poisonous snake in the world and it can grow up to the length of 5.5m. Just a minute quantity of its poison can kill up to 30 individuals.
  • Flying frogs are the only animals that change their color during the day. In the sunlight, they look as greenish-blue and in the evening they look green and they look black in the night.
  • The newly born wildebeest can run within few minutes after the birth.
  • Black bears are the most common bear species native to North America. They stand about 5 feet tall and weigh about 400-800 lbs.
  • Anteaters protect their lengthy claws by walking on their knuckles. It makes them appear as if they are hitching. They hunt for food during the nights and sleep as much as 15 hrs a day.
  • Bumblebee bat of Thailand is the world’s smallest mammal. It weighs about a dime and is an endangered species due to its habitat loss. These animals can groom themselves and maintain their fur clean and soft.
  • Compass termites of Northern Australia build tall nests that are wedge-shaped. They build their nests with north-south axis in order to maintain the temperature of the nest. The length of the nest is up to 3.5m.
  • Boas are one of the snake varieties that have heat sensitive organs, also called as pits located on their heads. These snakes can detect the heat produced by warm-blooded animals that stand close to it.

Above were some of the facts about wild animals, which might have surprised you. To know more interesting facts, keep reading the posts!


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