Dog Care

Have you added a canine companion to your family? Then this is the right place to visit and get advice on general dog care. Basic care for your four-legged friend involves feeding, grooming, housing and handling. Apart from this, there are other aspects that concern safety, potty training and behavior training, vaccinations and stocking in on supplies. Tips on feeding include information on what are nutrients and what are poisons. Handling dogs and training them is another important aspect in their care. Feature articles keep dog owners informed about the latest in dog care news and seasonal health bulletins. Vaccinations and safety updates are another section for regular visitors to watch out for.

Pros and Cons of Dog Chip Tracking

Advantages and Disadvantages of a Dog Chip Tracking System

As a pet parent, you know the responsibility that comes with caring for your furry companions. While providing a high-quality diet, neutering or spaying,...
Dog Safety Tips during Christmas

Dog Safety Tips during Christmas Season

Christmas is the great time that everyone looks forward to – festive decorations, delicious food and lots of fun. However, your Christmas decorations and...
Dog Health Insurance To Protect Your Pet All The Times

Dog Health Insurance To Protect Your Pet All The Times

People who own a dog whether it is big or small will have to do anything that can keep the dog free from any...
Tips for Pregnant Dog Care

6 Effective Tips for Pregnant Dog Care

Congratulations! Your loving pet is about to become a mother. Pet owner’s bond is much with his pet like a parent and child. We...
how to stop dogs rolling in poop

How To Stop Dogs Rolling In Poop

Dogs have been seen to display a smug grin while rolling around in their poops. The question is, "Why?" Dogs, in contrast to their...
Dog Nail Care

All About Nail Care for Dogs

There are few things which are as trendy these days as dog nail care. There are dog grooming clinics in all the major cities...
Dog Health Care

The Importance of Dog Health Care

Wondering how to take dog health care? Dogs are common family pets and are often treated like family members. It's important to understand that...
Benefits of Waterproof Dog Beds

Know the Wonderful Benefits of Waterproof Dog Beds

Looking for ways to keep your furry friend comfortable both indoors and outdoors? Consider the benefits of waterproof dog beds. These beds are particularly...
home remedies for dog’s itchy ears

Home Remedies for Dogs Itchy Ears

Is your dog continuously scratching its ears, or do you find any foul smell when up close? These are a couple of signs of...
dog car seat cover benefits for dogs

5 Amazing Benefits Of Dog Car Seat Cover

If you have dogs, then you would have taken your dog for a joy ride at some point or another. Maybe you do this...
shorthaired dogs

Grooming Short Haired Dogs

All dogs need regular grooming, regardless of their length and thickness of coat. Grooming short-haired dogs requires a simpler task compared to long-haired breeds....
summer care tips for dogs

Summer Safety Tips for Your Dog

Summers can become very entertaining if the pets are active and playful. You can follow specific summer safety tips to ensure your dog's good...
Different Types Of Dog Beds For Large Dogs

Cozy Comfort: Different Types of Dog Beds for Large Dogs.

Just like human beings, dogs also want and require their own private area. Getting their own personal space gives them a sense of security...
Dog Sickness Symptoms

5 Dog Sickness Symptoms that indicate your Dog is not well

As the dogs cannot tell about their illness, it is very important for you to notice dog sickness symptoms that indicate about their illness....
Beneficial Winter Exercise for Dogs

Beneficial Winter Exercise for Dogs

During the winter, dogs might not prefer exercising, but keeping them active for a healthy lifestyle is essential. Training and winter exercise for dogs...
Tips for Living with a Blind Dog

Tips for Living with a Blind Dog

It is quite challenging to live with dogs that are blind but at the same time, the experience can also serve to be rewarding...
Learning How to Care for a Dog

Tips on Learning How to Care for a Dog

As a dog owner, it is very important for learning how to care for a dog. If you learn properly, then it will be...
Essential Dog Makeup Tips

Essential Dog Makeup Tips

When it comes to face painting, there are many people who might consider a dog’s look because it serves as a great look. Dogs...
How to Change Your Dog's Diet

Knowing the Tricks Behind How to Change Your Dog’s Diet

There are various occasions that would require you to change your dog’s diet. Learning how to change your dog’s diet is essential to maintain your...
Top 6 Tips to Care for your Dog after Surgery

Top 6 Tips to Care for your Dog after Surgery

If your dog has to undergo surgery, then probably there is nothing worse for him than that.  Surgery can prove to be very scary...

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