What Factors Effect the Life Span of Giant Breeds


Dogs belonging to giant breeds, such as the ones with a Life Span of Giant Dog Breeds, tend to have a shorter life span compared to small breeds. Giant breeds are preferred by certain dog lovers for their huge size and their astute capabilities. But unfortunately, they may have to face a number of challenges, early into their adult life which may cut short their life.

Since giant dog breeds have been introduced just a decade or more years ago, there are less available studies to show why they live shorter lives than normal breeds. Here are some of the known factors.

Life Span of Giant Breeds

Reasons for short life span of giant breeds

Speedy growth

Giant dogs naturally grow very huge, very quickly within a few years. Their height and weight increase tremendously in the first one to two years after birth. Studies indicate that giant dogs may not live long, because of their fast growth rate.

Faster ageing

As the giant breeds grow quickly, the free radicals in their body also grow, making them age much faster than the smaller breeds. This means that their adult life plays out very quick and ends while still young.

Health issues

Unlike small breeds, giant dogs are more susceptible to many major health issues related to bones, stomach, heart and other developmental anomalies. This is linked to ageing, which may cause sight and sound impairment, along with a host of other diseases.

Selective breeding

With the increasing demand for large sized dogs, breeders choose to go with more and more selective giant-sized dog breeding, which is one of the environmental factors responsible for short life in these dogs. If species are let to evolve and breed naturally over longer periods of time, they may have better chances of long life.

In general, research suggests that small species live longer, as opposed to giant breeds or species with accelerated growth rate.

Things you can do to improve your dog’s life quality

Find some useful dog health tips here to look after your companion.

  • Choose a breeder who focuses on health of the dog, right from its puppy days and not solely on their size. He should be able to screen the dogs for health issues when needed and take necessary action.
  • Ensure to provide nutritious, quality food to your dog. Food plays a major role in their overall health.
  • Big breeds acquire huge size, but make sure they don’t get over weight. Focus on healthy weight gain.
  • keep an eye on their behaviour and take your pet to the vet as soon as you notice any changes. Also, get them examined regularly for their physical health.

In conclusion, the life span of giant dog breeds is a fascinating puzzle. Despite their big size and amazing qualities, these dogs face specific issues that shorten their lives. Because there hasn’t been much research in the last ten years, we’re still figuring out why they don’t live as long as smaller breeds. Looking into this helps us understand why giant dog breeds have shorter lives.


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