Cat Illness Symptoms to Be Aware Of


Cats will develop health issues as they age. You can recognize those cat illness symptoms by observing the cat’s personality and habits. Observing any kind of changes that are different from cat’s routine can signal a health issue that needs the attention of veterinarian.

Instead of waiting for the improvement in cat’s health condition, educating yourself with those cat illness symptoms can help to save the life of your kitty as well as the costs.

Here is few cat illness symptoms that you need to observe

Cat Illness Symptoms

Eating changes: When the cat is sick, it won’t drink or eat anything. If you observe rapid weight loss or your cat is not eating like usual, then it could be a sign of an infection, illness or any other health condition. Even if there are not any other issues, losing the weight alone can be one of the serious health issues.

Coat: Usually cats keep their coat clean. If you observe the cat is unkempt, lack of luster, not grooming properly, and has bald patches, then it could be one of the cat illness symptoms.

Lethargy: If there is any health issue with the cat, your cat will become less active than usual. Similar to human beings, rest helps to conserve the cat’s energy in order to make the body fight well against the diseases. Along with lethargy, your cat may also refuse to jump on your lap or on the furniture.

Temperature: Through rectally, you can take the right cat’s temperature. Usually cat’s temperature measures between 100.4 and 102.5 degrees. If your cat’s temperature is beyond this limit, you should immediately consult your vet.

Stool: Checking the cat’s feces and observing any change can signal a health condition. Diarrhea signals a condition that indicates something is wrong with the cat’s health condition. Educating with what is normal or what is wrong will help you to regularly assess the cat’s health.

Apart from the above cat illness symptoms, there are several other signs that indicate a health issue with a cat. These signs include coughing, itching, sneezing, anemia, and other physical changes in your cat’s appearance. If your cat continues to eat and drink, wait a day or two to see if it improves. If no improvement, visit the vet to check for serious issues.

Researching and finding more about cat illness symptoms can help you to maintain good feline health condition.


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