Dog Ear Infection: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment


Most dog parents can recognize the visible signs of a dog’s ear infection, such as scratching, head shaking, and a funky smell from the ear.

Ear infections in dogs are the most common problem, especially in those breeds with long and floppy ears. Of course, there are many home remedies for infection. But it is always recommended to consult the veterinarian for dog ear infection treatment if your dog is suffering from itchiness and swelling in the ears.

Dog Ear Infection

Types Of Ear Infections In Dogs

There are three types of ear infections: otitis externa, media, and the interna. While otitis externa is a condition caused due to infection in the external lining of the ear – which is the most common ear infection, otitis media, and interna are the conditions caused by the infections and allergies in the middle and inner ear canal.

If the infection severity increases, it may lead to deafness, facial paralysis, and vestibular signs. Therefore, it’s essential to take proper care to prevent infections, and it is best to seek early treatment when problems arise.

Symptoms of Dog Ear Infection

The most common symptoms of infection in dog’s ears are –

  • Scratching the ears
  • Walking in circles
  • Head shaking
  • The funky smell from the ears
  • Inflammation in the ear canal
  • Pain
  • Scabs or crusted over the affected area
  • Tilting head

What Are The Causes Of Ear Infections In Dogs?

Many factors cause ear infections in your pet. But the common factors are bacteria, yeast, or a combination of both. In little puppies, even ear mites can lead to an ear infection.

However, dog ear infections are linked to many other underlying issues, such as – 

  • Allergies
  • Moisture
  • Autoimmune disorders
  • Endocrine disorders
  • Wax buildup
  • Foreign bodies
  • Excessive cleaning
  • Hormonal imbalance

Dog Ear Infection Treatment

If you notice any symptoms of an ear infection, book an appointment with your veterinarian so that they will perform a thorough physical examination and determines the root cause. 

They also check whether abnormal tissue growth, debris, ear mites, or anything that causes the infection. They will clean your dog’s ears with medicated ear cleanser and prescribes you antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medicines.

Most mild and uncomplicated ear infections will heal within 2-3 weeks. But, if your dog has severe infections, it may take months to recover. If there is any chronic disease and the treatment fails, the veterinarian may recommend ear surgery.

Remember, it is very important to follow the veterinarian’s instructions, and without consulting the doctor, you should try to treat the ear infection with home remedies. If the veterinarian is recommended for rechecking, return to the veterinary on the appointment date. 

Even if your dog appears good and healthy, you must complete the given course of your dog’s medication. If you fail to finish the course of prescribed medicines, the infection may last longer or can come back.

Bottom Line

Always keep your furry friend clean by taking extra care after a bath. If your dog is showing any signs of ear infection, consult your veterinarian, as early treatment can ease the symptoms and speed up recovery.


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