Advantages and Disadvantages of a Dog Chip Tracking System


As a pet parent, you know the responsibility that comes with caring for your furry companions. While providing a high-quality diet, neutering or spaying, and dental care are essential, have you ever considered microchipping? Microchipping, also known as dog chip tracking, is a vital practice that enhances your pets’ security and provides you with peace of mind. In this article, explore the significance of microchipping your pets and learn why responsible pet ownership is essential.

Microchipping and What Is It Used For?

The veterinarian places a little device, roughly the size of a grain of rice (usually between the shoulder blades), beneath your pet’s skin. They enclose it in a bio-glass sleeve to keep the electronics safe for dogs and people. To identify the microchipping agency, the chip transmits a radio frequency that discloses the agency’s name and a unique number.

They can retrieve your information and contact you if a veterinarian or animal control officer dials the agency and provides them with your phone number.

Keep in mind that this only works if you register the microchip with the agency. Otherwise, they would be unable to contact you since they cannot access your data.

Advantages of Dog Chip Tracking

Considering the extensive marketing efforts targeting pet owners, it’s no wonder that microchipping comes with several advantages. Starting with the obvious

They assist you in reuniting with your misplaced canine companions

Microchipping serves as the primary means to track your pet in case they become lost. If your pet goes missing, the microchip lets the vet or pound officials scan it and track you down. This will help them contact you, reunite with your pet, and prevent someone else from taking away your loved canine.

To be clear, keep in mind that a microchip is not the same as a GPS transmitter. If your pet goes missing, this will only enable a veterinarian or animal control officer to contact you.

They last a long time

Once placed in your pet, the microchip becomes a once-in-a-lifetime affair, remaining activated as long as your pet is alive. Of course, some pets are fortunate enough to survive to 25 years old, but even those creatures aren’t healthy enough to go off on their own.

It’s an Efficient and Painless Process

Installing a microchip takes only a few seconds, and your pet should feel no more than a little squeeze. There’s no need to restrain them while they resist, and the treatment won’t leave them uncomfortable or painful.

It’s also common practice to tattoo a unique identification number on your pet’s body. However, tattooing your pet might be an unpleasant experience for the pet and might require you to make additional efforts to calm them. So, we suggest better choosing microchipping as it is not painful for the pat.

The chip can’t get lost

Having an outdoor pet that likes to get into trouble and lose or break its collar tags is a common occurrence. If authorities find your pet with its tags removed, they will have no method of contacting you.

However, when you place microchips in your pet, you guarantee their secure return to you at any time.

There is a Nationwide Database

Because most microchip databases are nationwide, you may still be reunited with your pet if it gets lost and crosses state borders (or if it gets lost while you’re moving).

However, because each nation has its database, taking your pet over the border may be ineffective.

It’s Surprisingly Simple

To have your pet’s data entered into a national database, you must have your veterinarian implant the chip and complete the accompanying papers. It’s all over: With only a few minutes of effort, you can provide lifetime protection for your pet.

There Is No Risk To Your Personal Data

If a shady character discovers your dog, the information on its collar, including its name, address, and phone number, might be used against you. In contrast, a microchip discloses a number irrelevant to anybody save the microchip manufacturer.

To ensure that your personal information doesn’t get into the hands of the wrong people, the microchip firm will only have access to your information.

Proof of ownerships 

Thieves might remove ID tags and other identifying information if your pet is taken. If you can have the animal scanned, you’ll be able to verify that you’re the legitimate owner of the animal.

– Pros and Cons of Dog Chip Tracking | Credit: didesign

Disadvantages of Dog Chip Tracking

Aside from the obvious benefits of microchipping, there are also some downsides. We’ve outlined the key ones, so you can evaluate whether or not the advantages outweigh the dangers.

The chip can Change its Position

Dislodging your pet’s microchip from its normal place between the shoulder blades is unlikely, but it does happen. This will not harm your pet, but if they become lost and a vet scans them between the shoulder blades, they may mistakenly believe that your pet is not microchipped, and you will not get a call from them.

It’s always a good idea to have your pet scanned every time you bring them in for a checkup to ensure the chip is where it should be.

Specific Scanners Are Necessary for Some Chips

In certain cases, a veterinarian or animal control officer may not be able to read a chip if they use a different scanner. As long as the veterinarian or pound has one of the scanners that can read any microchip, the chip may be overlooked.

Your pet’s health is at risk in a very small way

The chipping operation may cause some pets to have modest and transitory responses, although these reactions are usually minimal and short-lived. The most frequent side effect is inflammation at the insertion site, but there is a very small chance that cancer may also grow there.

Price for Microchipping a Pet

Microchipping is an affordable process when you consider the many advantages it provides. To be clear, this does not mean that there are no expenses to be concerned about.

You’ll probably pay between $40 and $50 to have the treatment done by your pet’s veterinarian. You may be able to save money by having the chip implanted while you’re in the doctor’s office for another purpose, such as a normal checkup. However, the cost of an office visit will likely account for part of that.

If money is a barrier, it’s worth considering the chip inserted at a rescue organization or animal shelter first.

Additionally, if you adopt your pet from a rescue organization or animal shelter, your pet may have already been microchipped. Changing the registration information with the microchipping business so that you are contacted instead of the former owner can save you some money (if it is not included in the adoption costs).


The advantages of microchipping a pet outweigh the hazards, and the procedure is fast, simple, and affordable. We’re great supporters of it, but the choice is still up to you, so give it some thinking before you rush your pet to the doctor. It’s important to remember that losing a cherished family pet is one of life’s most heartbreaking experiences and that a microchip may be well worth the price.


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