Have You Ever Wondered How Can Pets Help Disabled People?


Pets like dogs, cats are the companions of individual pet lovers. At times they serve more than human beings in showing the love and loyalty to their masters. The pet dogs are popular through the world than other animals like cat, monkey, and birds. It is a general perception among people that pets like dogs are kept for the safety of our home as well as to full fill some passion. It shows our limited knowledge about the animal. A lingering question of how can pets help disabled people will be in the minds of those who do not know about the pets.

Hiring of service dogs

disabled people can hire the dogs from the firms that train the service dogs. Is it not interesting to know about these service dogs? Dogs, being as intelligent as human beings, can be put to more productive and meaningful use for humanity. These service dog firms serve the humanity while serving the animals. Find out such hiring services in your local area and recognize them when the opportunity strikes. With the help of some NGO’s even workshops can be conducted on the topic of how pets can help disabled people at the service centers that run for the disabled.

How Can Pets Help Handicapped People

Hearing dogs for the impaired individuals

Hearing dogs also known as signal dogs, are well trained at the dog centers to give alert for various sounds like names, door bells, fire alarm, smoke alarms and so on. The special training enables the signal dogs to use their paws or nose to get alert the handling individuals. In such situations they take their handlers to take them near or away as per the event occurrences. If the dog picks the alert from a door bell it takes the handler to the door. In cases where the alert from the fire alarms, the dog is trained to take the handlers to outside area.

Now just imagine the benefit such hearing dogs when used for the individuals who have lost the hearing power. We have option to even train our pets in dog service centers. People, who have earlier questioned how pets can help diabled people, will be stunned to witness such miracles done by these service dogs.

Mobility assistant dogs for blinds

Dog services also provide service dogs to assist the visually impaired persons or the blinds. These dogs are trained to pick the dropped items of the dog handlers and this special skill can be put use for assisting the visually challenged persons at your home. Your home pets can also develop suck skills after some training. How pets can help disabled people is no more a question to worry for any one. It is just a matter of hiring the right service dogs.

While we admire many gizmos in this technological age, we fail to recognize the power of the pets around us. Instead of questioning how can pets help disabled people let us question ourselves how fast we are going to use the pet-power in assisting the disabled individuals? Time alone can give the answer.


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