Seven Not-to-Miss Bird Care Tips


Having a feathered creature as a pet is an enjoyment of its own and that’s the main reason why birds are the third most preferred pets after cats and dogs in the United States. Birds can be unique if given a proper care, and can be real peace breakers if you don’t have the best bird care tips up your sleeve. Giving them care is all about knowing, nourishing and nurturing them.

Some handy bird care tips for the pet owners

1. Know your pet

Nothing is better when it comes to taking care of your bird pet than knowing the bird behaviors, lifespan and their style of living. Finches and canaries can live up to 10 years, whereas 20 years age is considered good for parakeets, lovebirds and cockatiels. All of them have different lifestyles so check more resources to get more information before making a decision for the selection of your pet. To get yourself more informed, you can contact animal shelters as well.

Bird Care Tips

2. Have friends

Like humans, birds also enjoy company of their peers. For your family, even a single one would be a welcome addition but he would certainly like the presence of an equal. If possible, buy in pairs to give them familiar atmosphere even when they are in alien conditions in the cage.

3. Get yourself trained

Bird’s bite is quite common for the new caregivers when they try to open a cage. Most probable reason for this is the lack of training on caregiver’s part. For example, step-up command can help tremendously in handling the birds of any species. So, go and get yourself trained for the bird care tips.

4. Create bonds

It’s fine if a kin member is well-trained to handle birds but remaining members should not avoid bird care tips. Learn from bird-handlers on how to properly create a bond with them, and what to offer them or what not to offer.

5. Clean and interesting surroundings

This is quite vital. It’s true that birds care themselves quite well and stay clean but they do need a bath. Having a shadow bowl for bathing would really help them bath. But, that’s not it! You must have interesting cage design and perches and toys in the cage to keep them engaged. By doing this, you are providing familiar surroundings to your feathered friends.

6. Nutrition

Food and nutrition is the most integral part of your duty when you have bird(s) as pets in your family. Feeding your bird requires special information as these creatures are complex eaters. Know their likes and dislikes. Furthermore, try to find out best food products available in the market for the species in your home. This will help them keep fitter and stronger.

7. Vets

All said and done, still a Vet is a vital inclusion in the bird care tips. Make sure you have a good veterinarian in the neighborhood for quick access. Hiding their discomfort is quite common in the bird species but there are few indicators like swollen or closed eyes, shivering, diarrhea, stains on feathers and reduced activities to judge that they need a vet’s consultation.

Hope these bird care tips will lead you to become better pet lover.


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